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Hi, I'm Clara, based in the Ardèche region in France. I am currently trying to figure out the countryside life, as well as life in general.

If you want to know more about what I'm up to at the moment, have a look at my Now page, Uses page, my latest musings or my learning log. You can peek behind the curtain of this website by going to the Colophon page.

I consider this website to be a space where I can express myself freely in English, French and Frenglish without editing. If you happen to browse around here, you might find one-line notes, half-formed thoughts, doodles, full reviews or anything else in between.

To get started, here is a range of different posts that might tell you more about me:

Get in touch

For those wanting to contact me: my Ouija board connection is unfortunately out of order, so you'll have to email me at hey [at] clarale [dot] com.