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Another try at knowledge management Published on thought

For many years, I have struggled with knowledge management — as I still do.

I remember enthusiastically filling small cards a few years back when I first stumbled upon the index card method — or Zettelkasten. It never took off.

A few years later, I discovered that this method had been adapted digitally by multiple different projects. I have a (too) early adopter personality and tried them all — TiddlyWiki, Obsidian, Foam. Actually, I even mentioned it in a weeknote just last year.

I realize that the problem doesn't lie in the tools and features, but being able to fully commit to a process. I tend to over-complicate things and not start as simple as I should. Building that new habit is then much harder, as the barrier to entry seems too high and complex.

Currently, I am trying to not focus so much on the tool and its features, but on the note-taking habit itself. I recently created a super simple note-basket where I could record my evolving notes and thoughts on different topics. It exists "without a publish button" — in the sense that a note will be updated again and again without having a "final version".

So far, I try to not over-engineer it and not censor myself too much. No back-linking, predefined categories, or other "must-have" fancy features. I want to — will — build a solid habit first and add on top of it later.


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