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#3 Friends and digital gardening

Update #3 Published on update

Among us by Pooria LFA
Among us by Pooria LFA

What a week! I feel like so many things happened since last week.

Heart-to-heart interview

First of all, I finally had my interview with three people from my current company. For the first time in my life, I have answered to these interview questions with 100% honesty. It felt quite liberating to be completely myself and not give half-truths that are more aligned with people expectations.

An app to feel closer to your friends

Robin introduced our small group of friends to the Cappuccino App.

How does it work? Every day, you have the possibility to record one bean that will be mixed with the beans from your friends in a podcast-like format — with background music and everything! You can also give prompts or ask questions if you don't like going on about your day.

I love it. This app arrived right on time, as you currently don't have the possibility to meet your friends anymore. I love the fact that there is no possible small talk. No one is in front of you. You get straight to what is important. I feel like I have learned so much about my friends in just a few cappuccini.

It is also true the other way around. I am usually quite reserved, but feel like talking about myself much more within these short 3 minutes.

Reset of my digital garden

Middle of the week, I did it. I completely resetted my digital garden. I had first started it without much of a system. It rapidly got out of hands and began to feel chaotic and a bit overwhelming — far from the thinking-buddy-second-brain-thingy I had imagined.

I started it again following The Zettelkasten Method: Examples to help you get started by Rebecca Williams to the letter. It felt great to work on a blank slate with a clear system in mind, knowing where I was headed. ENDCHAR

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