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#42 The never-ending to-do list

Update #42 Published on update

Life peek

As usual, too many things happened since the last update. We spent 10 days in Berlin-Brussels-Ghent visiting friends. When we came back, we realized that the clock is ticking. (Indeed, we will leave for the Big Trip in less than a month. The problem is that we still have tons of unfinished admin tasks to complete before then.)

Aaaand... that's what we have been up to for a week now: working through our to-do list.

Do you know the 80/20 Pareto rule? The concept about focussing on the 20% most important things leading to 80% of the desired outcome? Unsurprisingly, we are doing the opposite and spending most of our time prepping (and overengineering) Eau de poisson — our travel blog.

Even though we are trying our hardest at not being efficient at all, we are still managing to make some progress on our to-do list. (Incredible feat, I know.)

Between two tasks, we also found time to harvest our olives, harvest some more chestnuts to grill in our stove oven, eat some raclette with friends (yeeess, it's the season!), make a first batch of Sauerkraut.


When in Berlin, I stumbled upon a second-hand copy of one of my favorite books of all time: The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin. It is the first volume of the Broken Earth trilogy, a sci-fi / fantasy adventure with incredible world building, beautiful poetic writing, and an epic storyline. Bonus points: the three volumes won the Hugo Award three years in a row.

For the last few days, I have been rereading the series — and yes, it is still as good.

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