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Now archive #9

A snapshot in time Published on now

I am probably eating roasted chestnuts (with salted butter) and sitting by the fire to not freeze to death.

It just hit Robin and I, that our year-long trip will start in about a month. So, at the moment, we are pretty much spending our days:

  • planning the last logistics bits (or more like chunks) of The Big Trip
  • (trying to) complete all the French admin that we have been dragging for months
  • making sure all our creative digital projects are in a good state (as they'll probably go dormant for a few months)
  • climbing whenever the weather is clear enough
  • prepping our old travel blog Eau de poisson to be usable on the go
  • drinking lots of the wine bottles we have been hoarding and that are not meant to age
  • being half anxious, half excited, and half cold (wait, that doesn't sound right)

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