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#5 Coffee tasting and cozy December

Update #5 Published on update

VDInk 03/31 by Osmar Axel Rivera Mejia
VDInk 03/31 by Osmar Axel Rivera Mejia

Life peek: Cozy December

Last Tuesday, something very special happened: December 1st. Robin and I were waiting for it for a long time as we could finally open our Coffee Advent Calendar from 19grams — a Berlin-based coffee roastery. I am now excited to start every morning with a meditative coffee tasting session.

Besides that, this week definitely had some end-of-the-year vibes. I have been listening to a lot of chill classics: some jazz, soul and a bit of blues.

It actually feels so much like cozy December that I even started reflecting on the year — here is my Year in Review 2020. I like Steve Schlafman's approach of spreading this reflection over two weeks. For once, it doesn't feel like an overwhelming chore.

Read & Watched

Some Kids I Taught and What They Taught Me (book, 2019)

Kate Clanchy loves her students and you feel it. In this memoir, she invites you to meet some of them on a journey about passion, cultural bridges, pain and creativity. A moving and raw account of thirty years of teaching and learning. I am now going straight away to her new book How to Grow Your Own Poem.

How Technology Grows (article, 2018)

In this long-form article, Dan Wang denounces our fixation on the digital and computing industry when talking about technology. He explains the three forms technology can take — as tools, instructions or process knowledge. Very interesting read on the lure of the digital and what truly drives innovation.

Tasting RARE Russian Food in Karelia! (video, 2019)

I've just discovered this Berlin-based food vlogger on YouTube and I already love his channel. I can't exactly say what I like about it. Maybe it's his long historical and contextual intros, the way he travels — that feels so close to mine — or maybe just his genuine love for food.



Was I talking about PaperSpan just last week? Well... Robin convinced me to upgrade to the next level of annotating tools: Hypothesis. Built on open-source technology and interoperable standards, you can highlight and annotate the web completely free of charge. Its development is transparent and collaborative through their public roadmap on GitHub.

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