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#28 On learning

Update #28 Published on update

Since we arrived in Ardèche, I find it hard to keep up with this weeknote. I think that one of the reasons is that I invest more time on Eau de poisson — the blog I share with Robin.

I still like having this space that is only mine. However, it will have to adapt to these new needs, to this new rhythm. Let's see how this evolves in the future months.

It is now 10PM, we are just back from the local astronomy club meeting. The members average age must be about 50-year-old. (Robin and I are definitely the youngest there.)

The club was founded in 1993 — practically my age. Members are quite active, but only few of them really know the sky. The most knowledgeable members were suggesting giving classes on how to manipulate the club telescopes and material.

This really motivated me to get started with proactively "learning the sky". I can already identify a few constellations, but would love to know more about their origin stories, the planets and stars, the physics rules that connect them all.

Talking about learning new things, I feel really inspired at the moment to learn more. 3D modeling on Blender, the night sky, edible wild plants, gardening, driving. The motivation is there... but for how long? I know that these quick passions tend to die out. I might need to focus my energy on a few selected topics if I want to do some real progress. As they say: quality over quantity. I'll sleep on that.

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