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#26 Taking the time

Update #26 Published on update

Island Houses by Jessica Smith
Island Houses by Jessica Smith

Life peek

It's now been almost a month Robin and I have moved to our new home. We are slowly building new routines again. Unsurprisingly, they tend to be quite different from what we had in the city.

Everything takes more time, which makes me much more intentional about the things I choose to do. Waking up in the morning, I first need to start the wood stove fire. If I'm lucky, it only takes 5 minutes. However, the fire sometimes needs more baby-sitting before properly burning.

The weekly market closest to our place is a 15-min drive away. As it is close to other stores, we usually plan in advance if we need something else and get it all at once.

Meeting new people is different as well. Everyone is very welcoming and makes me feel like I belong very quickly. It will however probably take time for us to build meaningful relationships.

Surprise, surprise: we started bouldering again by joining a local club. It was a bit of an admin hassle to integrate it, but now that we are in, we couldn't be happier! The members are super friendly and passionate about climbing. I'm looking forward to the outdoor events that'll come with the sunny days.

One last big change is that I have been spending my free time much more offline. It is quite invigorating to step away from the online world a bit.

On that note, I'll keep this weeknote short and stop it here.

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