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#22 Gently sliding into 2023

Update #22 Published on update

House by the sea by Jessamy Hawke
House by the sea by Jessamy Hawke

Life peek

Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! Or have a good slide into the new year, as Germans say.

I am back to work after one week of relaxed vacation in Berlin. It feels like much longer though, as we had been to in Switzerland the two previous weeks as well. Nothing much happened since my last weeknote.

Robin and I met with friends for some holiday dinners, we started playing chess, we did our Year in Review[1], we caught up with our current D&D campaign, we created a photo album for 2022, and I started to do some rehabilitation exercises for my sprained ankle.

Writing this last paragraph, I realize that "nothing much" was actually a lot. It just felt very laid-back and nice. The perfect vibe for the end of year.

People around me are talking a lot about New Year's resolutions. For once, I am looking at the coming year with a very open mind. My main goal is to get acclimated with our new life in the French countryside. Of course, I have a ton of things I'd love to do there. But I see these more like wishes and ideas than resolutions.

27 days left before the move

Read & Watched

On body and soul (2017)

On body and soul is the Hungarian movie that won the Golden Bear at Berlin International Film Festival in 2017. It is just the right amount of weird / sad / heartwarming that keeps you watching.

Glass onion (2022)

We had a cozy New Year's Eve with friends, eating ravioli and watching Glass Onion on Netflix. The movie is longer than what we expected (2h20), and we finished it only 10 minutes before the midnight deadline. I don't think it will live on as the first movie Knives Out might. I still laughed and enjoyed it a lot, watching it only two days ago. However, I will probably not recommend it in one year anymore as it already feels slightly "aged".

Bad times at the El Royale (2018)

After watching Glass Onion, we were still in the mood for a murder mystery. We decided to give a chance to Bad times at the El Royale that came out a few years back. To be honest, it surprised me in the best way possible. I found the plot enticing, the characters interesting and rather well explored. As far as murder mysteries go, I would definitely recommend this movie for an entertaining night!


Jessamy Hawke

You can see one of Jessamy Hawke's artwork at the start of this post. She is a UK-based illustrator who mainly works with watercolor and gouache. She is also super active on Instagram where I first discovered her.

She has a way of illustrating landscapes and scenes, using simple shapes and lines with a lot of different textures. There is a roughness to her work that I just love.


To generate an RSS feed for my posts

It is less about me learning to generate a new RSS feed than copying Robin's setup. I did learn a few things on the way and realized that I had misunderstood the whole GitHub / Cloudflare connection.

At the moment, you can find my RSS feed here. As I use Brut as a static site generator, I have created a prebuild.js file that is automatically run before the main build in Cloudflare.

  1. It's now been three years I write a Year in Review to reflect on the past and plan for the future. I am tweaking its structure year after year to fit my needs. I'll see if I find the time — or more like the motivation — to share it here these next few weeks. ↩︎

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