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#11 Habits in the oven

Update #11 Published on update

Scroll by Timothée Bart
Addiction 1/2 — Scroll by Timothée Bart

Life peek: Habit tracking

Instead of proactively working on my new habits this last week, I procrastinated — again — by setting up overkill habit trackers.

I call them overkill because my habit goals are pretty simple:

  1. Easy: I want to be up by 7am every day.
  2. Medium: Take at least two 15-minute breaks on work days.
  3. Hard: Turn off laptop by 7pm every day.

I told you about my recent obsession with building this website. A consequence is that I spend way too much time on my computer. To gather some stats about my screen time, I installed TimeFibers on my laptop and the StayFree app on my phone.[1]

Every month now, I will try to give a completely transparent habit report to keep me accountable. Most importantly, I will start actually doing some habits this week — pinky swear.


1984 (graphic novel, 2020)

While browsing books on Open Library, I stumbled upon this graphic novel version of 1984 by Fido Nesti. This being a graphic novel, I pre-judge it by its cover and don't think twice before adding it to my antilibrary.

The Art of Fermentation (book)

In The Preserve Journal Issue 4, journalist Kaszmarzyk says

I believe everyone goes through the same thing when they receive their first copy of The Art of Fermentation: you spend days with it. You bond and form a relationship like no other with it, because it's neither a recipe book nor a nonfiction novel, it is its own special world.

Classic Food of China (book)

I have been digitally browsing a lot of cookbooks recently. Chinese cooking expert Fuchsia Dunlop warmly recommends Classic Food of China by Yan-Kit So. What I like about this book is that it's not only about food as it also gives insights about culture and history.


Practical Typography

I have just stumbled upon this gem again as I was sorting through my old bookmarks. I immediately added it to my bookmarks. It is not a website, nor a book, but a treasure chest of practical information about typography.

  1. A digital solution to a digital problem? Yep, I'm not sure it's a good idea either. ↩︎

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