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Freeze spinach leaves

Published on 20 min side , prep-ahead , preserve , spring

It is currently full spring-summer here in Ardèche. We have a lot of amaranth plants growing as weeds among our garden vegetables. Instead of discarding them, the leaves are great to use as an alternative to spinach. Here is a good way to store them for winter.


  • Lots of spinach leaves (or leaves from other similar plants)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Wash the spinach, discarding the stems and spoiled leaves.
  2. Fill a bowl with ice water. Set aside.
  3. Blanch the leaves for 2 minutes.
  4. Transfer the spinach to the ice water for 3 minutes.
  5. Drain the spinach and allow it to fully drain. You may need to gently squeeze some excess water out.
  6. Divide the spinach into separate portions and freeze them.

Adapted from this original recipe