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#33 Post-Sicily

Update #33 Published on update

Our first trip to Sicily came to an end yesterday, as we took a 13-hour ferry from Palermo (Sicily) to Cagliari (Sardinia). The two last weeks in Sicily were full of discoveries. We are bringing back home some new recipes — caponata, pasta alla Trapanese, panelle, pistacchio pesto — and also many bottles of local specialties[1].

Another thing I am bringing back home is inspiration from people I've met and things I've seen on the way:

  • Isabel and Baptiste, singing and dancing their hearts out during our roadtrip
  • The rich sea flora / fauna that can be observed with a simple snorkeling mask
  • Sicilians love for good produces
  • Davide and his wife starting to make their own wine, honey and olive oil
  • Those winemakers offering us a bottle of wine out of nowhere
  • That little creative guide of Palermo, randomly found in a wine bar
  • Georgia and Davide moving to the heart of Sicily to open their B&B for climbers
  • Old ladies feeding stray cats in the street
  • Alice, traveling alone through Italy with only a backpack and camping gears
  • The close-knit community in Bosa (Sardinia)

Even though we will only be home in a few days[2], it already feels like the end of a vacation. I am both anxious and excited to be back in our little Ardèche corner.

I am looking forward to seeing friends, climbing, cooking, and gardening again. I am however a bit anxious about being jobless for real and having days full of nothing planned for the first time in years. In the end, I guess it all comes down to taking responsibility for how I choose to spend my days and how I live my life.[3]

  1. alcoholic ones, that is ↩︎

  2. We are crossing Sardinia to get a ferry to France in three days. ↩︎

  3. Ugh, I definitely need to learn to take the pressure off. ↩︎

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